Overview of what’s happening and why we are fighting it:
Harris County Housing Authority (HCHA), in cooperation with Harris County Community Services Dept, and Harris County Engineering special projects division, have proposed and are moving forward with the planning and development of a mixed-use, mixed-income housing project called “The View at Lake Houston”, on 90 acres along the east side of W. Lake Houston Parkway, north of Lakewood Pines, and south of Lakeshore subdivisions. “Mixed-Income” is a term used to mask “Low-Income” housing, and is not good for the existing residents and communities near this project for a number of reasons.
The project plan presented by HCHA and Harris County Engineering included mostly low-income housing of more apartments and rental units, which would not pay any property or school taxes, but would burden the Humble ISD with adding to already crowded classrooms, over-capacity in most of the Humble ISD Schools, and require law enforcement protection, fire, and emergency services, while not contributing to any taxes for these services. The result is strained public services stretched out too thin with no additional tax revenue to offset the demands of service required.
Harris County Engineering is working to develop a portion of the northern site plan, approximately 26 acres, for a new “Subsidized Housing Program” that is being financed by Harris County Commissioners Court, for 56 new Subsidized homes, that would be sold to buyers who qualify for these subsidies offered through state or federal assistance. There are no defined restrictions for buyers that purchase these subsidized homes, number of occupants per home, number of cars parked at each home, or other deed restrictions which protect home values, and long-term maintenance of the community.
Here are a few reasons why we are opposed:
1. The project would increase the school population for schools that are already well over capacity (read more...)
Humble ISD needs the property for an additional middle school and potentially another elementary school, and there is no room for either on the property already purchased in the area by Humble ISD for these critical schools. The school overcrowding today is at an alarming level, with no relief in sight. Humble ISD is growing faster than most school districts in our state.
2. Humble ISD will buy the land benefiting our children (read more...)
Humble ISD has made an offer for the entire 90-acre property that HCHA has yet to accept, and HCHA still wants to add more housing to this overcrowded school district, ignoring the greater public need for this property.
3. Construction of low-income housing hurts the communities home values (read more...)
Low-Income housing lowers existing nearby property values. Do market rate Buyers want to live closer or further from Low-Income housing when looking for new homes? Ask yourself.
4. Low-Income housing causes increased criminal activity, law enforcement statistics prove it (read more...)
Studies have shown that the addition of single room occupancy (“SRO”) buildings, such as hotels and apartments, increase crime rates in neighborhoods with these SROs. For example, researchers found that neighborhoods that have an SRO “experience upward of 47% more assaults and 68% more thefts; the percent increases for drug crimes and prostitution are even greater.” See Krupa, J. M., Boggess, L. N., Chamberlain, A. W., & Grubesic, T. H. (2021). Noxious Housing: The Influence of Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Facilities on Neighborhood Crime. Crime and Delinquency, 67(9), 1404-1428. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011128719875701 This same study found that “the number of assaults in a neighborhood with an SRO is expected to be 1.48 times greater than in a neighborhood without an SRO.” In addition, the plan is to have the hotel and apartment buildings connect to an existing neighborhood (Lakeshore) by a street, which will increase the ability of criminals to target homes and residents in the Lakeshore subdivision.
5. There is no public transportation near the property, or nearby sources of employment (read more...)
Walking distance is generally considered to be from 500-1000 ft up to one-half a mile. The View at Lake Houston Project would be approximately 8.5 miles from the nearest bus stop, which is not a local bus stop but rather a park and ride bus stop, and within walking distance to only a handful of businesses that could provide employment for its residents Therefore, despite what is typically sought in assisted and subsidized housing, the majority of the tenants would be forced to drive to their places of employment. In addition, the proposed project is located off one of the busiest main thoroughfares in the Lake Houston area and will dangerously increase vehicle traffic in an already overly-congested area.
6. Increased traffic due to more new construction (read more...)
Lake Houston Parkway is a nightmare of rush hour traffic with a commute time of approximately 30 minutes to go less than 3 miles to Beltway 8, with no relief in sight by Harris County Engineering.
We have to win this fight to protect our local communities, school district overcrowding, home values, crime rates, and quality of life from the plans the Harris County Housing Authority, and Harris County Community Services Department have for this 90-acre tract on Lake Houston.
Selling the property to Humble ISD is the right thing to do to solve this crisis for the Lake Houston area, and to promote a long-term quality of life and maintain the upscale communities that we have all worked so hard to achieve.

(starts around 4 minutes into the podcast)

Here’s how you can help…




The purpose of this fundraiser is to generate the money as a community to hire legal council to expedite the fight against HCHA. We have done an amazing job showing up at meetings, however, we are running low on time and need to really fight!
NOTE: All funds will ONLY be used for the benefit of the West Lake Houston Community. Fundraiser will immediately be stopped upon the end of the movement. Any excess funds will be donated to a charity of group choice and communicated to all supporters.
Reach Out to City Officials and Media Outlets:
City Officials
Media Outlets
ABC13 Eyewitness News
You can call our Tip Line at 713-669-1313 or email newstips@abc13.com.

Sign the Petition, as the number of signatures grow, heading toward 5000+ names, the politicians lean toward the majority, and know the wrath of going against public opinion.
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(NO PROFIT IS MADE. Shirts are fufilled directly from Amazon’s print on demand service. Signs are being printed by the community for team distribution.)

Premium Short Sleeve Shirt – $16.25

Long Sleeve Shirt – $19.11

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EMAIL: stoplakehoustonhousingproject@gmail.com
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